Now Offering Mosquito Control Services

Professional Bed Bug Treatment

The common notion that only dirty or untidy people and properties get bed bugs is 100% false. These resilient little bugs are great at hitchhiking on most surfaces, especially fabrics, and are easily transported. Luckily, RS Pest is a beg bug elimination specialist and offers effective treatment to get rid of them for good. Store-bought treatments simply aren’t enough to kill bed bugs, which is why you need to call a trusted professional like RS Pest. Get a free bed bug inspection and estimate today, (574) 534-7378.

“Jeff's a great technician, very professional and prompt. And it's wonderful to have a neighbor take care of this for me.

- Marie B.

Bed Bug FAQs

Crawling Bed Bug — Goshen, IN — RS Pest

What does a bed bug look like?

Bed bugs are roughly 3/16” long and oval-shaped and typically have a reddish-brown color. Bed bugs that haven’t fed are very flat, while bed bugs that have been feeding will elongate and plump.

Bed Bug Bite — Goshen, IN — RS Pest

What should I look for if bitten?

Beg bug bites are easily mistaken for other common bug bites because they look similar. You’ll notice a small raised and red area on the skin that is itchy and typically located on arms and legs in lined sections.

Searching For Bed Bug — Goshen, IN — RS Pest

Where do bed bugs like to live?

Fabrics are a bed bug's best friend, but they can live just about anywhere. Some common places you’ll see bed bugs are in cracks and crevices like the seams of your mattress, picture frames, and even wallpaper.

Think You Have Bed Bugs?

Don’t panic and don’t start throwing out your belongings. While beg bugs can be difficult to eliminate, it is not impossible and often all items and surfaces can be treated. The first thing you should do if you suspect bed bugs or are certain you have bed bugs is to call RS Pest right away for a thorough inspection, (574) 534-7378.

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